What's Your Personal Brand and Professional Image?


Large multinational corporations spend a staggering amount of money every year in an attempt to brand their products effectively. Sometimes these efforts go extremely well for these large companies in their branding campaigns. Occasionally, though there have been instances where the branding campaigns did not go so well. Yet, it is important to keep in mind that branding isn't just for gigantic multi-national corporations. The bottom line that whether you realize it or not, you are making decisions about the most important brand in your life, YOU!

If you do not take steps to brand yourself and your image, then you are making the decision to do nothing. Your brand or image is how other people perceive you and think about you. This can be extraordinarily important in a variety of different ways. After all, most of the time perception is everything.

Making a great impression in business is quite often the difference between landing a new contract and/or landing that new job you really want. Making that impression usually comes down to proper and effective branding.

So where do you begin? First, it is critical to understand that you have a great deal of control over how others will ultimately perceive you. How you present or "brand" yourself is largely at your discretion. You may not be able to control every aspect of every single person's perception of you. However, you can certainly do a lot to cultivate your image just as large companies effectively do.

You need to give thought to how you wish to be perceived. Next you need to consider what is the right branding for your given career path and for your particular environment. Clearly, someone looking to become the lead singer in a band will want to brand a little differently than someone looking to become an investment banker!

The fact that people will judge you within the first few minutes of meeting you is a point that cannot be overstated. When your goal is to succeed professionally, it's imperative that you make a good first impression; otherwise, you may not get a second chance.

Before approaching a prospective employer, client or colleague, always ask yourself if you are putting your best foot forward. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror and rate the level of professionalism you are projecting based upon your appearance.

Your brand isn't a badge that you wear around to help people identify you- that would be a costume. Instead, a brand should be what makes you unique, different and a desirable commodity. Do this to perfection and the brand that you create will be a customized one that is right for you and no one else. This will, in turn, become a powerful tool for the promotion of you and your skills in the business world and beyond.

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