If you want to make big moves in 2020, you have to take risks. But taking risks isn't easy, and it puts most people in uncharted territory. Uncharted territory can, in turn, often feel dangerous and cumbersome. The human mind loves familiarity, as familiarity usually means safety in some form as well as access to resources. This love of familiarity is literally hardwired into our brains from childhood. During our evolution, those who could remember where water holes and predators were located, well, they had a better day!
Tossing all of this familiarity aside and deciding to take risks and think outside the box can be very difficult and feel scary. Yet, it is critical that you realize that this is exactly what you may need to do to reach whatever goals you have set for yourself. Taking bold and decisive action at the right moment in time may be what separates you from the fulfilling life you want and living a life that is less than what you dream. Oddly enough, walking away from the security of the known and into the insecurity of the unknown is likely what you'll need to do to achieve your goals and/or happiness.
Risks are not "one-size fits all" affairs. If you are not accustomed to taking any risks at all, then even a small risk may seem huge. Keep this fact in mind as you move forward. You need to first think about what the risk is you are contemplating and then measure that risk against reality. Will your business or livelihood go "down the drain" if you fail? Or is the risk in question a minor or medium risk move? Understanding the difference can go a long way towards helping you decide just how cautious you need to be. The greater the potential downside of failure, the greater your preparation must be, period!
Finding the courage to take risks and think outside the box often comes down to motivation. If you want or need more courage to take the steps you need to take to be happy, then step back and think about what motivates you. Fully understanding what it is that motivates you will help you get the courage that you need. You can use these motivating factors to help you zero in and stay focused during times of weakness.
In many situations, the consequences of not taking bold action are so unpleasant especially over the long haul that you are left with no option other than to act. If you can't imagine not taking bold action and changing the course of your life, then you should have all the motivation and thus all the courage you need. So don't be afraid to think big in 2020. Then go ahead and plan meticulously to make the most of your out of the box thinking.