Top 7 Simple and Natural Methods to Avoid Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's is not life-threatening, but it brings depression and dejection to the entire family. Doctors can diagnose this disease by performing a brain autopsy and sometimes by blood work on an early stage. There are many reasons that could cause this disorder. It might be a brain injury, organ failure, or a malfunction. It is advisable to consult a doctor as early as a person starts forgetting, feels lost and confused so they are able to start treatment right away. Have you ever seen elderly people wearing their outfits inside out? This is due to Alzheimer's disease. It is the sixth leading reason for death in our country.

When a family starts drifting away as children get married and leave the house, the parents experience tremendous loneliness. In Nature Cure, we believe this may be a cause for Alzheimer's. As adults reach retirement and become a bit more inactive, they cannot handle loneliness and become victims of Alzheimer's. They know what is happening, they remember old events of their childhood, but the gap from then to now disappears. They even forget if they had their meals. We should take care of them as their behavior is like children. It is extremely sad and heartbreaking.

The irony of this disease is so sad because the child who takes care of this sick parent acts like the parent, and the sick parent behaves like a child now. I have personally experienced closely the behavior of a couple of Alzheimer's patients. Sadly, it is not easy to handle them. The children need to nurture and exercise a lot of patience, love and compassion to help their parents who suffer from Alzheimer's. I adore those people, who take care of their loved ones that are suffering from this problem.

With Alzheimer's, my research says, the more connections and experiences one has, the more associations have been naturally formed between the brain cells. An outgoing person, who stays busy by working hard both mentally and physically, usually has a disciplined life. It helps avoid getting Alzheimer's. An adequate size of simple nutritious food, six to seven hours of sleep, and working hard mentally and physically, is the 'secret' to a healthy long life. Recent studies have shown if we stay active in our life, there are less chances of becoming a victim of this disease. Here, we are not talking about remedies, but looking at simple ways to avoid getting Alzheimer's:

· Adopt a habit of reading whatever subject interests you. I believe books are best friends and great guides. Try to write something every day to stay busy.

· Play word games or help your grand children with their homework. Let them ask you questions. Sometimes, they may surprise you. Take them to the park and play with them.

· Help your community, because community Service is the highest service one can do in life. When you become helpful to others, it comes back to you multiplied.

· Engage yourself in a challenging hobby and experience how busy it keeps you mentally and physically.

· Keep in touch with your family and friends and talk to them on the phone quite often.

· Join your friends, who have common interests, and go to a club, library or the park. In addition, you may make new friends.

· Physical activity is really essential as it puts the brain and body to work and it is always challenging too.

In Alzheimer's, any mental activity is incredibly important as it persuades enhancing the memory and sometimes forces the brain to come up with answers and solutions. Every day steal a little time from your busy schedule. Consider this as your time. Throw yourself on the couch and feel relaxed and comfortable. Close your eyes with a positive attitude and forget everything else. Bring all those old sweet memories in front of you. Like watching a beautiful video of your life, enjoy the memories. Focus on the little things that make you happy... smile at people, especially friends. Enjoy the thrills, events, beautiful compliments, and all the happiness you have enjoyed in past. Absorb the harmony you are receiving! Cherish all those moments still alive within your memory and repeat this therapy daily. This helps staying alert and vibrant in life.

Living with Alzheimer's makes a family's life very difficult. The patient suffering from this horrible disease does not understand what is happening. If you stay alert, busy working hard mentally and physically, then you can avoid this condition. Yoga, breathing exercises (Pranayam), and meditation are proven to be helpful and beneficial. This is your precious life and remember, its only a one time gift. Forget watching TV for hours or leading a lethargic and depressed life. Eat clean and exercise to energize yourself and enjoy a healthy and vibrant body.

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